Campaign Manager - Creative Builder

Inserting New HTML

Use the New option to input your content directly using either HTML in Source View or typing text in the WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor in Design View.


  1. Click New.

The content will open in Design View.

  1. Enter the required information in Design or Source View. The following buttons are there to assist you:
Icon Description
Find and replace. Allows you to search for and replace any relevant HTML code. Enter the text in the search box, and click Find to search forward and Previous to search backwards. Enter text in the Replace box to use the find and replace function. Click Replace to replace the currently selected search term with the replace term. Click Replace All to replace all instances of the search term. Clicking on CTRL + F within the source editor will also display this functionality.
Allows you to insert a variable into your design. These variables can be new, imported, shared or a creative variable.
Allows you to insert an event. These events can be new, imported, shared or a creative event.
Allows you to embed HTML from another creative.

Allows you to insert special. These are links for your creative.

Content processor
Clear content
  1. Run the content processor to see if there are any mapping requirements.
  2. Click Save.
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